Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman
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Número de artículo | 6972369720 |
Pays | FR,ES,IT,CH,BE |
Terminal correspondant | Android, iPhone, iPad, PC |
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Ayahuasca Visions The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian ~ Ayahuasca Visions The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman Pablo Amaringo Luis Luna on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The mythologies and cosmology of Amazonian shamanism materialize in fantastic color and style in this unique
Ayahuasca — Wikipédia ~ L’ayahuasca ou yagé est une drogue hallucinogène A base de lianes prise sous forme de breuvage elle est consommée traditionnellement par les chamanes des tribus amérindiennes dAmazonie qui lutilisent pour ses capacités curatives conformément aux croyances et pratiques locales
Peruvian painter and Shaman Pablo Amaringo Shuna Egallery ~ Pablo Amaringo the seventh of thirteen children was born in 1943 in Puerto Libertad a small settlement near the town of Tamanco in Peru and died November 16 2009
Plants of Ayahuasca Shamanism ~ The use of Ayahuasca may well be primordial its use extending back to the earliest aboriginal inhabitants of the region Schultes and Hofman 1992
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Shamanism Wikipedia ~ The word shaman probably originates from the Evenki word šamán most likely from the southwestern dialect spoken by the Sym Evenki peoples The Tungusic term was subsequently adopted by Russians interacting with the indigenous peoples in Siberia
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